2018-09-09 16:22:58 UTC
Anyone ever go to Seafood City <seafood city chicago>, up on Elston?
It's a Philipino grocery, ala Mitsuwa and H-Mart. Their meats on a
stick are outrageously good and they have some sort of fried chicken
place, Jollibee that always has a line. Food court isn't yuge, but the
meat on a stick plce (Grill City) is pretty much all you need. Get the
Other than that they have a pretty standard Asian food with a Philipino
focus. Lots of fish -- one cool thing is that you can buy your giant
fish there -- and they will clean it AND COOK IT FOR YOU! Yesterday
they were offering that as a freebee, so there were lots of people
flocking around the fish counter.
We went up there yesterday. We were initially thinking about Mitsuwa,
but the expressway times gave me an idea...
I bought a ton of different ramen and the like for worsk. Gorged
myself on meats on a stick. mmmmmm....
Not nearly as many got kids with kitty ears as there are at Mitsuwa or
Hmart. Lots of Navy hats, though!
It's a Philipino grocery, ala Mitsuwa and H-Mart. Their meats on a
stick are outrageously good and they have some sort of fried chicken
place, Jollibee that always has a line. Food court isn't yuge, but the
meat on a stick plce (Grill City) is pretty much all you need. Get the
Other than that they have a pretty standard Asian food with a Philipino
focus. Lots of fish -- one cool thing is that you can buy your giant
fish there -- and they will clean it AND COOK IT FOR YOU! Yesterday
they were offering that as a freebee, so there were lots of people
flocking around the fish counter.
We went up there yesterday. We were initially thinking about Mitsuwa,
but the expressway times gave me an idea...
I bought a ton of different ramen and the like for worsk. Gorged
myself on meats on a stick. mmmmmm....
Not nearly as many got kids with kitty ears as there are at Mitsuwa or
Hmart. Lots of Navy hats, though!